Speech Pathology Continuing Education Seminars in Dallas 2018

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What are ASHA CEUs?

To maintain the ASHA Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC), a speech-language pathologist (SLP) must earn 3.0 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) over three years. To convert that to hours of professional development, 0.1 CEU is one hour of Certification Maintenance Hours. I calculate it as 10 hours per year and I earn them during the summer when I have a break. Additionally keep in mind that ASHA is now requiring an ethics CEU so keep that in mind as you shop for CEUs

What are the State CEU Requirements?

Make sure that you are on top of the professional development requirements for your state because they can be different than the ones required by ASHA. For example, the state of Illinois requires 20 hours per two years. I have figured out if I get 10 hours per year, I'm in the clear. Also if you have a teaching certificate, those professional development requirements could differ from the state license board as well as be different from what ASHA wants from their members.

Get CEUs At Home

Getting my CEUs online and at home really could not be more convenient. You do not have to leave home to travel to a convention. Honestly, my biggest reason to get online CEUs is because it saves me money.

I don't mind paying for solid CEUs online (from SpeechPathology.com, MedBridge, or SLP Summit). However, if you are in a financial pinch, there are many online websites where you can earn ASHA-certified CEUs for free. Below is a list of what I discovered online…

Top Ten Free CEUs for SLPs

  1. Super Duper Inc. – Super Duper has offered free CEUs for SLPs for many years. They offer both live and recorded online sessions. Registration on the site is required (but if you bought from them before, you already have an account). http://www.superduperinc.com/CEU/courses/default.aspx
  2. Mayer-Johnson – The brilliant company behind Boardmaker offers both live and recorded online trainings on their website. Just a warning: some trainings do not provide ASHA-approved CEUs. When you click on 'Recorded Training' be sure to look at the far right column to confirm ASHA-approved CEUs. Log in required to view courses: http://www.mayer-johnson.com/support/learn/ceu/
  3. Relias Academy – Most of the classes here require payment, but occasionally you can find a free class. Click 'speech therapist' and your state. You must register: http://academy.reliaslearning.com/care2learn-now-Relias-Academy.aspx
  4. Interactive Metronome – Interactive Metronome (IM) is an online auditory/visual software program. It helps people with communication disorders learn how to increase neural efficiency by improving their timing of physical movements. They offer lots of free courses, but many of them are for people who are already IM certified. However, there are still plenty that are free to anyone. Registration required: http://www.interactivemetronome.com/index.php/free-introductory-courses.html
  5. SATPAC – SATPAC is a function approach to articulation therapy. They offer one free online course related to learning SATPAC: http://satpac.com/free-ceus-online-course
  6. Passy-Muir Inc. – Passy-Muir is the company that produces valves for tracheostomies and ventilator dependent patients. I do not know enough about the medical side of our profession, but Passy-Muir is a product to redirect air to produce verbal speech. They offer lots of free online CEU courses to learn about their products. Registration required: http://www.passy-muir.com/ceu
  7. The Leaders Project – I love everything that The Leaders Project shares about bilingual learners. They have a nice catalog of courses too: https://www.leadersproject.org/ceu-courses/
  8. Lingraphica – Lingraphica creates an AAC device specifically for people with aphasia. They offer free CEUs all related to use of the device. Three options include assessment courses, working with a client who uses the device, or attending a live webinar. Check it out: https://www.aphasia.com/for-clinicians/ceu-options/
  9. Dynavox – Dynavox is a corporation that builds AAC devices for people to use to communicate. They offer both scheduled web courses and recorded ones. Here's the link: http://www.dynavoxtech.com/training/online/
  10. University of Wisconsin – Voice and Swallowing Clinic – If you are in the medical field, these courses are great! And there are so many AND they keep adding more. Keep in mind there is an expiration date. But if you stay on top of their offerings, you can get fully covered with free CEUs for a really long time: https://cme.surgery.wisc.edu/courses/voice

What do you think of my list? Comment below or email me with any of your suggestions!


Source: https://speechisbeautiful.com/2015/03/free-ceus-for-speech-pathologists/

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